The magician was reportedly released from the emergency room late Friday night. Criss Angel was reportedly rushed to the hospital Friday night after passing out during his signature straitjacket escape trick. According to attendees of his Mindfreak Live!   More...

Daniela Vargas at the March 1 press conference in Jackson, Mississippi. Rogelio V. Solis / AP An undocumented immigrant who was pulled over and detained by immigration officials shortly after speaking at a news conference earlier this month was released F  More...

Get u a man who will do this. Vanessa and Mark are two 20-year-old college students at the University of Hawaii, Maui. They have been best friends since middle school and started dating last year. @Vswizzle “Our relationship is all about being weird  More...

Ringo H.w. Chiu / AP Two California school districts are moving forward with plans to make their campuses safe havens for undocumented students and their families, while also offering information on how to deal with immigration authorities. One of the dis  More...

Video showed the lights out Tuesday night at the iconic Lady Liberty, and initially, people wondered if it was related to a political protest. Lights went out at the Statue of Liberty on Tuesday after an unplanned power outage, the National Park Service s  More...