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Twin Falls County Jail A man convicted of raping a 14-year-girl in Idaho may have dodged prison time, but sentencing him to an intensive, six-month therapy program, the judge added another restriction: no sex until marriage, at least while he’s on p  More...

Terray Sylvester / Reuters The US Army Corps of Engineers told a federal court on Tuesday that it intends to grant an easement for the Dakota Access pipeline, clearing the way for a controversial project that was slowed down with court challenges and prot  More...

“Immigrants make America great (they also cooked your food and served you today),” the statement reads. Journalist Mary Emily O’Hara noticed the note as she was paying for breakfast this past weekend. She posted the receipt on Twitter, w  More...

Joshua Roberts / Reuters White House senior adviser Kellyanne Conway has said she misspoke when she referenced the “Bowling Green massacre” — an event that never happened — in a Feb. 3 interview defending President Trump’s travel ban on MSNBC. B  More...

The New England Patriots beat the Atlanta Falcons 34-28 in the first overtime game of Super Bowl history. Tom Pennington / Getty Images Jamie Squire / Getty Images Kevin C. Cox / Getty Images Patrick Smith / Getty Images View Entire List › Read M  More...